2003-09-18 01:44:58


我在职业访谈系列的第一篇文章里,向大家介绍了职业访谈(Informational Interview)这种“投石问路,实地考察”的方式,这次就详细介绍职业访谈的四大要领以及准备过程。




职业的锁定越具体越好。比如我所感兴趣的职业导师职业,相关和相辅的职业可以引申到几十个:career counsellor, employment counsellor, career development consultant, job developer, recruiter, outplacement specialist, career management consultant, career transition consultant等等,他们之间有很多细微的差别,必须得通过搜索分析大量的资料才能确定下来最贴近的几个。







三十分钟的时间很短,为了达到最好效果,事前的准备功夫是不能省的。对访谈对象的公司,他/她本人的经验成就了解得越多越好。我采访的其中一位曾经在IBM CANADA人力资源部做总裁多年后跳槽出去自己开公司来做的。我用她的名字做关键字在网上搜索,找到并阅读了她不同时期为报纸杂志采访的报道,行内简报和新闻发布会纪录,让我对她本人有了进一步的认识。在采访过程中,根据早先了解得背景资料,我很容易就明白她提到的一些观点和出发点。特别是英语还不是那么好的朋友,扎实准备工作绝对有助提高你的自信和访谈的成效。


如何联系访谈对象?确认好访谈对象后,你可以使用电话,书信或者电子邮件联系。如果你担心自己的英语表达能力不够好,为了消除紧张情绪和避免挫败感,使用书信或者电子邮件较为稳妥。这封信件和你投递简历时需要写的cover letter差不多,只不过要把想要寻求工作的那部分删除。大概内容包括:



August 10, 2002

Sarah Baker, Director of Teaching and Curriculum Design
The Learning Expert Ltd.
334 Main Street, Suite 301
Toronto ON M5V 2C3

Dear Sarah:

I was referred to you by Ms Diane Walker from the Human Resources Information centre of Toronto. I am currently exploring the career of a professional trainer. I would greatly appreciate if you can spare 20-30 minutes of your time for an informational interview, either by phone or in person.

I am a new immigrant from China and I worked as an English teacher of a private high school for 5 years then a private training company for 2 years before I came here. At the same time I worked as a part-time TV host of a weekly English communication program. I love teaching especially in adult education and I am seriously considering getting into the education and training field in Canada. From your profile on your company website I learn that you were a high school teacher in your early years and you are now an expert in a private management training company. I will be thrilled if I have the opportunity to learn from your experience and perspective.

The questions I may ask fall under these three areas: What is your current job like?

What is the best way to enter this field? What qualifications, educational requirements and skills are most important for this occupation?

I will call you on August 15 at 10AM to set up a mutually convenient time for this informational meeting.


Ning Su


Please reply to this email and let me know whether or not you are available for the interview. Please let me know how to contact you and the best time for me to call you to schedule an appointment. Look forward to hearing from you.




・What is your job like? What are your main duties/ functions/ responsibilities?
・How did this type of work interest you and how did you get started?
・How did you get your job? What jobs and experiences have led you to your present position?
・What are the various jobs in this field or organization?
・Why did you decide to work for this company?
・What sorts of changes are occurring in your occupation?
・How does a person progress in your field? What is a typical career path in this field or organization? What is the best way to enter this occupation?
・With the information you have about my education, skills, and experience, what other fields or jobs would you suggest I research further before I make a final decision?
・How is the economy affecting this industry?
・What can you tell me about the employment outlook in your occupational field? How much demand is there for people in this occupation? How rapidly is the field growing? Can you estimate future job openings?
・What are the salary ranges for various levels in this field? Is there a salary ceiling?
・Are there a lot of visible minorities doing this type of job?
・How important is English language skills for getting such a job?
・From your perspective, what are the problems you see working in this field?
・What are the educational, requirements for this job? What other types of credentials or licenses are required? What types of training do companies offer persons entering this field? Is graduate school recommended? An MBA? Does the company encourage and pay for employees to pursue graduate degrees?
・What courses have proved to be the most valuable to you in your work? What would you recommend for me?
・What abilities or personal qualities do you believe contribute most to success in this field/job?
・What are the typical entry-level job titles and functions? What entry level jobs are best for learning as much as possible?
・Do you know of other people whom I might talk to who have similar jobs?
・Do you have any advice for someone interested in this field/job? Are there any written materials you suggest I read? Which professional journals and organizations would help me learn more about this field?
・What kinds of experience, paid or unpaid, would you encourage for anybody pursuing a career in this field?
・These are my strongest assets (skills, areas of knowledge, personality traits and values):___________________________________. Where would they fit in this field? Where would they be helpful in this organization? Where might they fit in other fields? Where might they be helpful in other organizations?







(星星生活专栏作者:Jasmine,电邮:[email protected]

