2019-09-26 14:43:40



第二,我是一个普通公民Private Citizen。

作为一个加拿大人和普通公民,我有自己的权利持有 – 并表达 – 我的个人观点,并期待这些观点不被别有用心地曲解或刻意摆在头版炒作。

像许多加拿大人一样,我关注香港的事态。我也关注这样的状况会变得更加暴乱并出现失控的局面—— 即使拟议的议案已被撤销,暴力和燃烧弹依然继续蔓延、投掷。



Once again, the Globe and Mail has given me “front page” coverage repeating the old false claim that I am somehow under the influence of the Chinese government and this time misrepresenting my views on the present situation in Hong Kong.

First, I have lived in Canada for 50 years and am first and foremost a Canadian and– something the Globe seems to want to ignore.

Second I am a private citizen.

As a Canadian and private citizen I am entitled to have – and express – my views without having these views misrepresented or turned into front page news.

Like many Canadians I am concerned about the situation in Hong Kong. I am also concerned that situations like this can turn violent and get out of control – and there have been bricks and fire bombs thrown even after the proposed bill was withdrawn.

I appreciate that the Globe and Mail may disagree with me but I am concerned that the protests have gone too far. My hope has been that the situation in Hong Kong will calm down. Like most people who come to this country I am eternally thankful for the opportunities that Canada has given me and my family but also have a special place in my heart for the land where my ancestors struggled for generations

The lives of hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens have improved very significantly over the last 40 years. People who know how very difficult life was 40 or 50 years ago in China are especially sensitive to things that may jeopardise what has been achieved. It does no one any good for the Globe and Mail to insinuate that Canadians who have real and legitimate concerns over the present protests are somehow not to be trusted as being true Canadians.

Michael Chan


此次香港事态最严重的,是暴力的泛滥。现在的香港,只需要说声“自由”,就可以动手打过路人、伤人(更不用说讲粗口),随时投掷燃烧弹、纵火、焚车、殴打警察、袭击警署,随时砸烂公共交通、置公共交通使用者的生命安全于不顾,随时破坏公共建筑物,随时恐吓警察和公务人员的家人,随时打烂政府议会,随时封闭马路,封闭重要的交通枢纽国际机场,挟持捆绑新闻记者,殴打旅客、侮辱老人……。这些都是非同寻常,这些远非一个法治社会的行为,无论任何一个社会都不会容忍这样的暴力。而这样的暴力伤害了香港每一个爱和平、 稳定和繁荣的市民。

另外一个伤害香港的,是假传媒, 假新闻。例如突然间有“新闻”称九龙太子站“死人”的消息,被证明完全是欺骗、假的。香港的局势,假传媒比比皆是。这些假传媒散布虚假消息,目的就是令到人们恐惧,刺激动乱局势更加动乱。那些别有用心的传媒,用不正当、不诚实,断章取义,极度倾 斜的手法散布新闻,其后果是间接或直接制造暴力,成为制造暴力的一份子,应该受到谴责并予以取缔。

