Meet John Tory
2003-07-10 19:58:21

Why do you want to start the campaign?

I think the city has some problem, it has been declining for the last 10 years or so, we see more homeless people, more crime, more dirty streets, the board of housing, the city does not have enough money to run the transit system.

First of all, you should be worry about it, and secondly then you should do something about it. I am very lucky to have career in business and law and community service, I should offer my name to be the new leader of the city. Partially because I have the concern, second I thought that a new kind of leadership, somebody has a lot of experiences in business and law, and running large organizations, Somebody who is helpful in turning it around and reverse the decline, I should offer my name as the leader of the city, and let the voters to decide if they like me or not.

2. SARS?

I think that we are going to find over the next 20 years, or once every couple of years, some kind of virus coming to Toronto from some other part of the world, that is the function of the fact that we have a lot of immigrants to live here, and people traveling a lot now, they go to places they never gone before, this kind of thing is going to happen.

Tow things we have to keep in mind when they do happen:

First, we make sure that we have all the precautions in place to know how to handle this kind of things properly. You learn from things like SARS, to know how to do it better next time.

Second, we make sure to remember at all time, just because SARS comes from Hong Kong or China this time. Does not mean there is anything wrong that people from HK, china are responsible for this. It does not mean we should treat people from Chinese community any differently.

It might just as well, some one who is of France, British, Germany background, who was on a tourist visit to far east, brought this virus back, they might also pick up from Africa, it may well exist there as well.

We have to remember this: it makes it more important time to reach out to help our friends in Chinese community, make two different kinds of things:

We are not guilty ourselves, or even appearing to treat people of Chinese background differently, because of the virus is come from there. That is where the virus happened and come from.

We should make extra special efforts to patronize Chinese business, Make sure we can set an example. It is safe and right thing to do to eat in Chinese restaurant. If eat a month ago in Chinese restaurant, you might do so now, it is safe.

If you patronize before, you should patronize more today. People really need you to stop there than ever.

What leaders can do in the community is to set example,

One of the things I do is that I went to Ruby Chinese restaurant. Which is possibly the hardest hit single area in Toronto.

We start a meeting there with 25 business leaders to discuss what the city should do to help people who are hurt by SARS. I have a lot of ideas there.

The fact that we are there, is an symbol to tell people:
In my case, one of the business executive, and running the mayor of Toronto, would go there and eat lunch there.

I should tell you that I have done something after that which does not bring attention

I brought my family there last Friday night again,
I did that in the hope that the Chinese management and some family of Chinese community there would know that I was there they may not know my name, but they know somebody who is not Chinese do care about their business. I brought my family there, and with no fear.

I just want people know that a non Chinese people eat there to support their business. The kids thought it was excellent. It was very pleasant evening.

I help the salvation army to deliver masks to people who are quarantined in Scarborough area, many of them are Chinese. I felt that it is important to help those people who feel lonely and defined in their own home.

I took 400 healthcare workers to a base ball game. It is an important way to say thank you to people from the healthcare community.

I think in the end it is about setting an example,

How you treat and brace people in tough time. Help a community that is in trouble, there is no specific reason, but just perception caused it happen.

You support the business in that community. So that it help them.

3. Comments on the new immigrants:

I was proud to kick off my campaign at Yikang center, I have chance there to meet older members of the community and some are new Chinese immigrants.

I have a chance to speak to them, and tell them how much we own them.

I think what is interesting to me is that the younger people in Chinese community,
They have made significant contribution to every single aspect of life of Toronto.

I have been to 10 or 12 Chinese banquets, when I start to ask what Chinese are doing. It is amazing. They are working hard, wide range of jobs by people from china.
They set good example for all Canadians in terms of how hard they work, strong sense of community.

CICS, I honored the chairman of the dragon boat this year.

You are also amazed that the commitment they have in the community, in terms of time and money.

Chinese people have brought their own traditions and put together with our traditions, hard work, dignity, respect for senior people, They are peaceful people, this is a great example.

Their contributions are growing everyday.

