2004-10-04 20:58:27

近来由于商住两用房(带街面商铺的住宅)既可以自住,又可以用来自己经营带来可观的收入,越来越多的新移民开始关注商住两用房。与购买普通的住宅不同的是,商住两用房往往是带有Small Business的Property,所以在考虑购买商住两用房时,应注意以下几点不同:


签署买卖合同的时候最好分别签署不同的两份合同:一份为Agreement of Purchase and Sale (Condominium Resale – Commercial),另一份为Agreement of Purchase and Sale (Business in Leased Premises Under the Bulk Sales Act)。请注意在第二份For Business的转让合同中注明Under the Bulk Sales Act(Ontaio)可以最大程度保护新业主的利益。


Small Business在理论上包括三个部分:1、Intangible Asset: Goodwill ;2、Tangible Asset: Real Property, Chattels & Equipment;3、Variable Asset: Inventory

所以在转让Small Businness时,卖方必须准备能体现以上三要素的有关文书:Copy of the most recent financial statement or income and expense proof;Copy of the existing lease agreement;Copy of the list of chattels and equipment;Copy of list of inventory and individual item’s cost statement

如果卖方没有准备好financial statement,买方最好自己亲自现场调查,估计出卖方近期的实际经营状况,并签署一份 Waiver。

**Small Business的贷款或启动资金来源


Mortgage the building;向政府申请Small Business Loan,最高限额$250,000,请注意这种贷款仅限于用来购买经营用的设备或可动产;由卖方提供Chattel Mortgage,类似与购买普通住宅时的 VTB(Vender Take Back)。

**对Small Business的估价

首先需要了解以下几个要素:Cash Flow;Cash Flow Multiple;Non-operating Asset;Loans Outstanding。

然后分以下三部计算,可得出Equity Value of The Business:
Cash Flow * Cash Flow Multiple = Capitalized Cash Flow
Capitalized Cash Flow + Non-operating Assets = Enterprise Value
Enterprise Value – Loans Outstanding = Equity Value of the Business

本文由房产资讯网: www.housingtoronto.com 杨洪供稿,咨询电话:416-558-9264。

