2009-11-23 17:06:56



12.I have a lot in common with my sister. 我和我姐姐有很多相同之处。
Are you and your sister friends with each other? 你和你姐姐是好朋友吗?
Does your sister like the same food you do? 你姐姐和您喜欢一定的食物吗?
Which activities do you and your sister like? 你和你姐姐都喜欢那些活动?

13.She was injured badly in the accident.她在这次意外中受到重伤。
Why is she in the hospital? 她怎么会在医院?
What happened with her face? It is bleeding. 她的脸在流血,发生了什么事?
Why is she lying in the middle of the road? 他为何躺在路中央?

14.I have to catch a plane. Could you hurry?你能快点吗?我要赶飞机了。
It will take me a few minutes to fill out your insurance form.
I also need to look at your passport and your visa. 我还需要您察看你的护照及签证。
Can you wait a few minutes?I need to check your luggage.

15.I haven’t heard from her for a long time.我好久没有她的消息了。
Do you know how Mary is enjoying Europe? 你知道玛丽在欧洲的旅行如何?
Do you know how Anna is doing recently?你知道最安娜的近况吗?
I need to find Lily. Do you have her phone number?

16.Let me see your driver`s license, please. 请让我看看你的驾驶执照。
Was I speeding, officer? 我超速了吗, 警官?
Why are you stopping me? 你为何要我停车?
Excuse me, Sir. Did I do something wrong? 对不起,我有做错什么了吗?

17.I cannot put up with my noisy roommates.我受不了我那些吵闹的室友了。
Are you happy living in the college dormitory? 你住在大学宿舍开心吗?
Do you get along with your roommates? 你和你室友处得好吗?
Why are you moving out of the dormitory? 你为何要搬出宿舍?

18.Let`s go out for dinner! 咱们出去吃饭吧!
The hydro just went off in the house. I can’t cook. 房子里的水电断了,我没法做饭。
I’m too tired to cook tonight. 我今天太累了,不想做饭了。
I have a whole evening free. Where do you want to do?

19.The doctor asked me to watch what I eat.医生要我注意饮食。
What advice did the doctor give you? 你医生建议你做什么?
Why are you eating so little? 你怎么吃得那么少?
Why are you so picky on food? 你吃饭怎么那么挑剔?

20.Many people have been out of work recently.最近有许多人失业。
I am finding it really hard to get a job. 我发现现在很难找到工作。
It seems that many companies lay off people. 好像现在很多公司在裁员。
Several of my friends are living on Employment Insurance now.

21.Your English is improving little by little.你的英语正在渐渐提高。
I find it so difficult to learn English. 我觉得学英文很困难。
How do you think of my English skills? 你觉得我现在的英文能力如何?
I spent a lot of time on English learning. 我花了很多时间学习英文。

此专栏由麦唐娜国际学院主编。欢迎读者来函来电咨询。如果您在学英文方面有问题,请发信到:[email protected]。我们会及时答复您。

